January 19, 2025

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To Pardon Marky Mark Wahlberg Is To Pardon Racism

Editor’s note: Marky Mark Wahlberg’s racist past should not be pardoned. To pardon Wahlberg would be another affirmation that the rich and the famous are treated differently from “regular” people.  Wahlberg has never publicly acknowledged the particular racist element of his crimes and while he may be philanthropic, the majority of his efforts are certainly not focused on the groups whom he attacked or to my knowledge racial equality and justice in general. Perhaps at some point in the future Wahlberg can show himself worthy of a pardon after working towards restoring his image within the communities of color he offended and so viciously attacked. In the meantime a pardon for Wahlberg is not necessary. His criminal record, unlike so many others, doesn’t seem to be preventing him from getting good jobs and making a living.

To Pardon Marky Mark Wahlberg Is To Pardon Racism

Right now many are sympathizing with Mark Wahlberg’s recent plea for a pardon. I am not one of them. One of the benefits of being a Blackstonian through and through is that I been here and paying attention for a long time.

Back in the days in Codman Sq. when I was 15 yrs old and getting into trouble of my own Boston was still smoldering with racial tensions from the 60’s & 70’s.  I was already rapping and had on my name belt buckle and carried a .007 (really big knife). Codman Sq. was a typical “Around the way” location complete with the store that sold weed in little manila envelopes.  There were problems in Codman Sq. but it was a community. In those times nothing brought community together like a racist incident.

You can imagine our shock when we heard that there was this crazy white boy terrorizing people from the hood. We heard he even threw rocks at a school bus full of kids while yelling “nigger.”  By the 80’s Black people had had enough of the rocks and buses. The nerve of this white boy. We were going to find him and teach him a hard lesson.  We never did catch him, which was good I guess, because with the climate back then he most certainly would have gotten severely beaten and using the terminology of the day “stomped” and “doinked.”

By now you know that  the crazy white boy was Mark Wahlberg. Many of you are hearing about his racist past for the first time and may be skeptical. The Attorney General filed a civil action against Wahlberg for a series of racial assaults against a group of black children and their teacher.
Wahlberg had already attacked the same children days before and seeing them at a school trip to Savin Hill  Beach took the opportunity to chase them from the area throwing rocks and yelling racial epithets.  Later in a separate incident he violated his court order when he attacked 2 VietNamese men trying to rob one for liquour and leaving him blind in one eye.

Some of Marky Mark Wahlberg’s statements during the several incidents include:
“We don’t like black niggers in the area so get the f**k away from the area”
“Kill the nigger, kill the nigger”
“Vietnam f**king sh*t”
“Slant-eyed gooks”

As always let me provide you proof. From The Smoking Gun.
Full court documents here:  http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/back-day-marky-marks-rap-sheet-0

About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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  1. whitey

    Are you going to write an article about how angry you are at True-See Allah for being pardoned despite his history of violence toward people of color?

  2. ElB

    While it has been said to forgive; I don’t believe Mark Walberg’s requesting a Pardon is not for the intentions he states; (helping other children). He is only interested in his own personal gain. I personally think he feels the way he expressed himself in the past toward the other cultures he harassed.

    A leopard doesn’t change its spots overnight.

    I applaud you Jamal for bringing this to the forefront, as I had no idea Mark Walberg had such an ugly past. I hope his Pardon is not granted.

  3. sunshine

    didn’t know True See was pardoned but if you have facts about his past crimes and pardon application that shows he is not remorseful or deserving of a pardon then post it. Do you think True See Allah is not currently working in a capacity that redeems him? Jamarhl did not say that no one deserves a pardon, he said Mark Wahlberg does not and he like many reporters has provided proof to back up his statements. Anxiously awaiting yours.

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