July 26, 2024

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Eternally Misunderstood: Documentary Screening & Panel

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Join us for the premiere of “Eternally Misunderstood,” a documentary short featuring interviews with Sisters Unchained and other women of color whose lives have been impacted by the prison industrial complex. The documentary short screening will be followed by a panel discussion with Sisters Unchained participants, and the event will close out with a reception.

This event is cosponsored by Harvard Organization for Prison Education and Harvard International Women’s Rights Collective.

See the photo posted in the event page for the location of Fong Auditorium (inside Boylston Hall). The location is also searchable at map.harvard.edu.

Sisters Unchained is a learning experience for young women between the ages of 14 and 18, with formerly or currently incarcerated parents. A major aspect of the program is to provide our young women with knowledge on oppressive systems like the prison industrial complex and the negative impact it has on our communities. What makes this program so special is the development of our sisterhood. That is who we are to one another. We are sisters. We are family. We are sisters who empower one another. Who support one another. Who challenge one another. Who have the courage to love one another in a world that tells us often that we are not worthy or deserving. Sisters Unchained is about learning the truth about ourselves and learning how to hold on to that truth.

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About The Author

Jake is an artist / graphic and web designer.

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