BPD Commissioner Ed Davis testifies before Congress about Boston Marathon Bombing
BPD Commissioner Ed Davis testifies before Congress about Boston Marathon Bombing
BPD Commissioner Ed Davis testifies before Congress about Boston Marathon Bombing
Are we surprised? Boston Insider lists Boston as one of 21 Highly Segregated Cities in America clearly illustrated in maps
President Brack Obama roasts and toasts the media at the 2013 White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Source http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/04/28/watch-president-obama-2013-white-house-correspondents-dinner
Here is the list of shootings that have occurred in Boston since the Marathon on April 15th.
FBI releases Marathon Bombing Suspect Video/Photo
former Gov. Patrick Chief of Staff Mo Cowan to be appointed as interim Senator to replace Sen. John Kerry. This temporary appointment will last until the special election, proposed for June 25th with a primary proposed for April 30th. This interim appointment includes the benefit that Cowan will be ensured life-time access to the senate floor among other perks.
Monday Feb. 11, 2013
@ Hibernian Hall 184 Dudley St. (Dudley Sq.) Roxbury
with Special Guests Dir. Eugene Jarecki and Prof. Charles Ogletree
The Nation of Islam (NOI) had the full force out today with the brothers of the Fruit of Islam (FOI) hitting the streets and activating on the mandate put forth by Minister Louis Farrakhan which called the NOI to go further into the streets of the “hoods” across the US.
Here are the brothers of the FOI in full effect at the Roxbury Mall (Warren St. & Martin Luther King Blvd.)
President Obama wins Re-Election
Photos: MA Drug Lab Scandal Town Hall Meeting
All Photos by:
Eric Esteves (Hideous Beauty Photography)