February 10, 2025

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Public Condemnation: James Carnell (Boston Police Union) calls Roxbury Youth in RCC Incident "Scumbag"

Public Condemnation of statements made by Jim Carnell of
Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association and Editor of The Pax Centurion

James W. Carnell
Representative, Area A-1 Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Editor, Pax Centurion

We, Concerned Citizens, Community Activists, Voting and Tax Paying Residents of Boston, join together to publicly condemn statements made by James Carnell of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association (BPD Union) and Editor of the Pax Centurion (BPD Union Newspaper).

In the current Jan/Feb Edition of the Pax Centurion (Vol. 41 No. 1), Jim Carnell refers to the young 16 yr. old Roxbury boy who was the subject of a much publicized arrest at Roxbury Community College as a “scumbag”, Carnell further goes on to characterize the young woman who filmed the video, as is her right, as an “intellectually bereft dolt”.

The entire article is fraught with sentiments that are particularly disturbing as James Carnell is a sworn officer on active duty in the Boston Police Department. Carnell’s statements are not at all helpful to the Boston Police Department which has made recent attempts to repair and strengthen its relationship with Black, Latino & Cape Verdean communities.

Carnell’s attitude is indicative of a problem with certain officers that many of us have bore witness to or been victims of for decades. For Carnell to not only be an active duty officer sworn to uphold the law, he seems to display a total lack of respect for it considering the young man who he typified as a “scumbag” hasn’t been through his due process and the investigation of the involved officers conduct is not complete. For a Representative of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association and Editor of a newspaper with a readership of 125,000 to spout these sentiments so freely and without fear of reprimand or public outcry and so consistently over the years use racially charged words and images speaks volumes to the true mentality of many of Boston’s white Police Officers.

In almost every edition Carnell shows contempt for Black Politicians; President Obama, Gov. Deval Patrick, Chuck Turner and others.  Carnell issue after issue uses unflattering terms to describe, immigrants, Africans, Mexicans, Arabs, Muslims, “Homeless Bums”, Welfare Recipients and describes US citizens of Boston who dare disagree or question police policy or actions as “cop haters” “nitwits” “hypocrites” “cowards” or “elitists”. Carnell’s comments could easily be classified as racist and while much of it may be protected by free speech, much more of it borders on hate speech and does the Boston Police Department and the City of Boston a disservice and is disrespectful and potentially threatening to the taxpaying citizens Officer Carnell is sworn to protect and serve.

Recently, The BPPA endorsed District 7 City Council Candidate Tito Jackson. We are asking Tito Jackson to review the statements made by Carnell which overwhelmingly are targeted at the very residents of District 7 who he is currently campaigning to represent and we ask that Tito Jackson publicly condemn those statements. Further we ask Mr. Jackson to have a discussion with the BPPA regarding its intolerant statements and if he cannot negotiate a retraction or apology for those statements we demand that he refuse the endorsement of the BPPA.

To BPD Commissioner Ed Davis:
While we understand that the BPD has little to no control over the BPPA union and the Pax Centurion, James Carnell is still an active duty Boston Police Officer. As you have had to deal with outrageous and unhelpful public statements by a BPD Officer recently, we ask that you review the constant statements made by Carnell in the Pax Centurion and we recommend that Carnell should receive Diversity and Sensitivity Training.
Further we would like a public statement from your office condemning these remarks and reaffirming the BPD’s commitment to the community and that those sentiments are not shared by the Department as a whole.
Pax Centurion
Volume 41, Number 1  •  January/February 2011

“The exhibition was designed after much criticism was heaped upon the department following a “You-tube” video which appeared on-line after the arrest of a young scumbag who resisted arrest at Roxbury Community College last fall.”
“In the video, the officers employed simple pain-compliance techniques to force the resisting juvenile thug, who was wildly swinging one handcuff in the air at the officers attempting to arrest him, to stop resisting and comply. Of course, the intellectually-bereft dolt filming the incident with her cell-phone thought she had another Rodney King-style expose and narrated the video for distribution to other like-minded nitwits, who think the police are supposed to put up with this crap and do nothing to protect ourselves.”

– James W. Carnell
Representative, Area A-1
Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
Editor, Pax Centurion


Here are a list of companies that advertise in the Pax Centurion and contribute to their scholarship fund.
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Taurus Investment Holdings, LLC
Transwestern Investment Co.
The Boston Company
Altria Group
New Boston Fund
People’s United Bank
Mt. Washington Bank
Turner Construction
Legal Sea Foods
State Street Global Advisors
Blue Line Financial
Lincoln Property Company
Safety Net
Copley Place Simon
New Balance
Please Join us in our Public Condemnation of these statements… check out these links.
Blackstonian presents Archie Bunker Award


About The Author

The Blackstonian Community News Service - Black Boston 411 24/7. @Blackstonian on twitter. Like our page on Facebook.

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