Mass Vote – US Senate Candidates forum 4/20
Mass Vote – US Senate Candidates forum
@Reggie Lewis Center Sat. April 20th
Mass Vote – US Senate Candidates forum
@Reggie Lewis Center Sat. April 20th
This event will be an update on all the work done thus far, A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT and what we have coming up to continue in the future.
This forum is to discuss the criminalization of our youth and the dangerous implications via mass incarceration, school to prison pipeline, etc.
…fortifying and improving the basic unit of civilization, the family.
B.A.Y. uses culture to promote unity in Boston’s communities of color. By promoting the best of our legacy, creativity, and human resources, we build esteem and connect to the natural wealth of our community. Through this simple notion of recognizing & loving ourselves, we encourage support for each other and work toward the conclusion of healthier communities.
Monday Feb. 11, 2013
@ Hibernian Hall 184 Dudley St. (Dudley Sq.) Roxbury
with Special Guests Dir. Eugene Jarecki and Prof. Charles Ogletree
Come and join us as we raise funds for Cindy Diggs who suffered a tragic fire with her family on Christmas Eve. Cindy has dedicated herself to helping the City of Boston’s Youth through her efforts organizing Peace Boston as well as UMMF an effort to galvanize Boston’s Hip-Hop community.
The Environment & Human Rights committee public hearing has been rescheduled for Tuesday, December 18th at 3:00 PM to be held in the Iannella Chambers on the fifth floor of the Boston City Hall.
United Sisters of Color is giving back this holiday season! They will be feeding 20 Boston families in need. All families must preregister
GWOP Divas and Boston Society of Vulcans Team Up Turkey Toss
Must RSVP for Turkey 404-919-GWOP
One Turkey per household must be 18 and up to receive Turkey.