carlos henriquez
Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Youth

Rep. Carlos Henriquez “Violence is a virus”

“Violence is a virus”
The City of Boston like any other urban center in America is affected by violence each day. Any community that has been red-lined by banks for over 30 years, left behind in the quality of education offered publicly and faces un-employment at nearly double the rate of the rest of the communities around it will surely face levels of violence at a disproportionate level. These issues are long standing and systemic that must be acknowledged and addressed.

pax centurion 2012
Focus on Law Enforcement, Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News, Organize The Hood

Full letter: Jim Carnell of Pax Centurion & Boston Police Union to Boston Phoenix

Recently, in your July 6th issue, the Phoenix made a front-page attack against my union’s newspaper, Pax Centurion (the publication of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association), accusing us of baseless, false and scurrilous charges of racism, sexism, and homophobia (“Sh*t Boston Cops Say”).

paxcenturion 2012
Archie Bunker Award, Focus on Law Enforcement, Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News, Organize The Hood

Boston Police Union Newspaper under fire… finally

I’m glad that Occupy Boston, advertisers and some media are now concerned. However, I find it ironic and indicative of white privilege that there’s a hullabaloo now that some white people from Occupy Boston are offended. In years past, Carnell and also Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association President Thomas “Tom” Nee have espoused views offensive to African-Americans, Africans, Latinos, Muslims, Homosexuals, Women, Immigrants… you get the picture.

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