DOJ Ferguson Report: Please Come To Boston
As in Ferguson, so in Boston.
As in Ferguson, so in Boston.
This is only the beginning of how a man can go from God to Gangsta.
“Unfortunately, you know, this has become a minority/majority city and we have to reflect the community that we represent.
In 1986 Roxbury and surrounding neighborhoods attempted to secede from the city of Boston and form their own incorporated city;
The exhibit is called One Million Strong (The Legacy of the Million Man March). The topic of the lecture by
Martin Luther King, jr. would be fiercely fighting for police reform.
In looking at the historical image juxtaposed with the recent image The Blackstonian asks: Do you notice a difference?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts needs serious police reform in policies and practices.
These appointments are more than the past 20 yrs of the previous administration.
guests: Mayor Walsh, Commissioner Evans, DA Conley