Author name: Jamarhl Crawford

Jamarhl Crawford is the Publisher / Editor of the Blackstonian. @jamarhlakauno on twitter.

Focus on Law Enforcement, Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety, News, Organize The Hood, Politics, Still Reppin' with Carlos Henriquez, Uncategorized

Everything is wrong with Henriquez conviction

The verdict from the trial of State Representative Carlos Henriquez has left the community reeling in disbelief and extremely frustrated. The media frenzy and tongue wagging campaign has not lent itself to the reality of the case and the trial itself. Here we will point out some major concerns from the trial made up of a combination of testimony from witnesses and media reports from the trial.

Economy & Business, Music & Entertainment, Youth

Freedom Cry; Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag

Just finished Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry where you play as Adewale, liberated ex-slave, who goes about the caribbean particularly Haiti Port Au Prince and liberates plantations, kills slave masters, plantation owners, slave catchers, frees slaves from slave pen cages, stops slave torture, rescues injured slaves and takes them to maroon camps in the woods, sails the seas and liberates slave ships and kills the various members of European armies.

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