In the Boston 24 crime report the BPD listed two non-fatal shootings having taken place over the holiday ...
Another shooting over Labor Day Weekend; 123 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
Another shooting over Labor Day Weekend; 123 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
No Reply to Community Meeting Demand on Violence from Menino and Davis
No Reply to Community Meeting Demand on Violence from Menino and Davis
New BPD Crime Stats: Homicides, Shootings up in 2013 over 2012
New BPD Crime Stats: Homicides, Shootings up in 2013 over 2012
Double Shooting in Dorchester, 1 Unaccounted for Shooting; 121 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
Double Shooting in Dorchester, 1 Unaccounted for Shooting; 121 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
Man Shot in Codman Square; 118 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
Man Shot in Codman Square; 118 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
Two Women Shot in Roxbury; 114 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
Two Women Shot in Roxbury; 114 Shootings Since Boston Marathon
New Crime Data from BPD is Good News / Bad News
New Crime Data from BPD is Good News / Bad News
BPD’s Re-Opening of Case Re-Opens Can of Worms
BPD’s Re-Opening of Case Re-Opens Can of Worms
At least 105 Shootings since Boston Marathon
At least 105 Shootings since Boston Marathon
Video: NNN on 100 Shootings since Marathon and Rally for Solutions 8.2.2013
Video: NNN on 100 Shootings since Marathon and Rally for Solutions 8.2.2013